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Stan sanitarny Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego w latach 1945–1949 · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

Stan sanitarny Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego w latach 1945–1949

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Stan sanitarny Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego w latach 1945–1949
Sanitary conditions in Gorzów Wielkopolski between 1945 and 1949


Piotr Marian Ernst


Just after II WW political, social and economic life was organized, in practice, from the beginning. Residential buildings and industrial plants were destroyed. City water supply system was destroyed in 80%, what resulted in huge problems in water supply for citizens. Catastrophic situation took place in the fi eld of health care. While establishing health care centres. Sanitary state of the town Gorzów Wielkopolski In a period between 1945–1949 was highly unsatisfying. Although the town was taken over without any fi ghts, robbery activities by Soviet Army after entering the town, caused signifi cant destruction of infrastructure. Municipal Hospital at Warszawska Street was devastated and robbed by residing in it capturers. Capturing the hospital by Russians resulted in necessity to open hospital rooms in provisional conditions, in adopted to that purpose residential buildings, in which there was any possibility for heating. Additional factor affecting the epidemic situation was a fl ow of Polish citizens to the town, often sick, as replacement for departed German citizens. All mentioned elements led growth of infectious diseases cases. The authorities made attempt to combat that inappropriate state to by a system of vaccination and also by organizing in a later period so-called sanitary – ordering actions. All such undertakings not always were successful.







Piotr Marian Ernst, “ Stan sanitarny Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego w latach 1945–1949,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 10, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/101.


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