Troska o zdrowie dzieci na podstawie Hygieny polskiej Teodora Tripplina
Dublin Core
Troska o zdrowie dzieci na podstawie Hygieny polskiej Teodora Tripplina
Concerns about children healthcare according to Hygiena polska (Polish Hygiene) by Teodor Tripplin
Magdalena Syguda
In the nineteenth century, guides paying special attention to the problem of raising a child enjoyed a great popularity. Notable position in polish literature belongs to the Teodor Tripplin’s work Hygiena polska. Author in a very precise manner not only describes many dangers lurking on young children, but also gives specifi c advices on how to prevent them. In his work, he describes different types of diseases that may in any way endanger the child’s life. Treatment methods are also exhaustivly described. Mother and wet nurse roles and their impact on education and later child’s life are deeply covered. Doctor Tripplin took care of every detail during the compilation of his work, which is indeed very important for inexperienced parents. Child room, its design, breastfeeding and even bath are described with great attention to details. No wonder why the Hygiena polska enjoyed popularity among the contemporary society.
Prace analityczne
Magdalena Syguda, “Troska o zdrowie dzieci na podstawie Hygieny polskiej Teodora Tripplina,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025,
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