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Spory kompetencyjne między łaziebnikami i chirurgami toruńskimi w XVIII wieku. Przypadek Johanna Zandera · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

Spory kompetencyjne między łaziebnikami i chirurgami toruńskimi w XVIII wieku. Przypadek Johanna Zandera

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Spory kompetencyjne między łaziebnikami i chirurgami toruńskimi w XVIII wieku. Przypadek Johanna Zandera
Defining the Scope of Professional Practice of Sugeons and Barber-Surgeons in Early Modern Thorn (in the 18th century). The case of Johann Zander


Katarzyna Pękacka Falkowska


In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth barber-surgeons and surgeons were usually engaged in quarreling against each other about the scope of their professional practice. Thus up to the end of the 18th century a fight and a hard competition between the craftsmen was a common feature of medical landsape in most Polish-Lithuanian cities, e.g. Poznan, Danzig, Lviv, and Vilna.
The papers presents the details of the ongoing dispute (1705–1708) between Johann Zander, a barber-surgeon born in Stralsund, and local medical authorities in Thorn (Royal Prussia), both the city physician and the surgeon guild’s masters. Johann Zander was a graduate of the Medical Faculty of the University of Koenigsberg, and thus a member of the barber-surgeons’ guild in Koenigsberg. When he inherited the Buergerrecht (citizenship) in Thorn as a Bader (barber) he was forbidden to perform surgery. Nevertheless he continued to provide surgical care for the city dwellers and strived for the right to become an authorized Buerger, Bader und Chirurgus.






Katarzyna Pękacka Falkowska, “Spory kompetencyjne między łaziebnikami i chirurgami toruńskimi w XVIII wieku. Przypadek Johanna Zandera,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 10, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/128.


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