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Jak starucha kobietom radziła- o zdrowiu i urodzie na podstawie" Powieści o Róży" · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

Jak starucha kobietom radziła- o zdrowiu i urodzie na podstawie" Powieści o Róży"

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Jak starucha kobietom radziła- o zdrowiu i urodzie na podstawie" Powieści o Róży"


Barbara Kowalska


How elderly lady gives advices- health and beauty on the example of ‘Novel about the Rose’


            ‘Novel about the Rose’ is a French poem, which first part was written by Wilhelm de Lloris in year 1230, second part goes to Jean de Meum in 1280 year. This piece is a seen, which tells us about travelling of the main hero through the love garden, which is inhabited by personifications. The main heroin of few chapters, who is also the teller, is this elderly lady, who show us her ideas about the nature and freedom. She gives some advices, how to be pleasant and she teaches women how to take care about their health, especially their beauty. Jan from Meum, the author of second part of this piece reveal us his image about relations between men and women. He teaches, how to treat or hide some illnesses. Itch is the main disease, he writes mostly. Jan from Meum gives a purpose in smilling and crying, what is more he encourages women to every cosmetic movements, make up for example. He knows the canons so he distinguishes beautiful and ugly women. Moreover he is conscious of the fashion from the thirteen century. Hair is for him one of the most important criterion. Furthermore he recommends fun and dance. Ideas connected with this novel which are totally different from church’s point of view, makes this book loved and hated in the same time. Thanks to that masterpiece we are aware of daily life of main characters and their visions and decisions of highly educated people from France in thirteen century.






Barbara Kowalska, “Jak starucha kobietom radziła- o zdrowiu i urodzie na podstawie" Powieści o Róży",” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed October 22, 2024, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/141.


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