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Paradygmat homeopatii klasycznej w perspektywie antropologiczno-kulturowych koncepcji myślenia magicznego · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

Paradygmat homeopatii klasycznej w perspektywie antropologiczno-kulturowych koncepcji myślenia magicznego

Dublin Core


Paradygmat homeopatii klasycznej w perspektywie antropologiczno-kulturowych koncepcji myślenia magicznego


Dorota Angutek


The Paradigm of Classical Homeopathy in Perspective of Cultural Anthropologic Conceptions of Magic Thinking

In the article the author interprets homeopathy as medical method of subjective treatment of a patient. There are taken together patient’s awareness of illness and symptoms of illness, both of them as a whole. Hahneman’s method of cure is example of magic, in spite of this fact the author does not evaluates magic as irrational and non empirical discipline, but as cultural phenomenon that has to be described without any axiological involvement of a social scientist. Among a few anthropological theories of magic there are objective and subjective ones. The former describes magic as illogical and irrational system of thinking, if we compare magic with European modern thinking. But, if magic, including homeopathy, we will treat as subjective cultural models of thinking, we have to agree that they are also rational for people who assume it as effective one, in their point of view. Angutek describes homeopathy in scope of latter mentioned theories of magic, and interprets Hahnemann’s method and as subjective, good for psychic condition of a patient. Moreover, homeopathy it is popular in modernday in Europe because many dimensions of popular culture have got magic features.







Dorota Angutek, “Paradygmat homeopatii klasycznej w perspektywie antropologiczno-kulturowych koncepcji myślenia magicznego,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed October 24, 2024, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/157.


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