Kształtowanie się położnictwa jako dziedziny medycyny naukowej w Wilnie w latach 1781-1842
Dublin Core
Kształtowanie się położnictwa jako dziedziny medycyny naukowej w Wilnie w latach 1781-1842
Development of obstetrics as a branch of scientific medicine in Vilnius in 1781-1842
Anita Magowska
The article focuses on the transformation of midwifery practiced by women into obstetrics practiced by doctors in Vilnius at the end of the eighteenth and the first half of nineteenth century. This study is based on some archival materials kept in Vilnius. The manuscript of lectures on obstetrics given by Prof. Mikołaj Regnier after 1781, the textbook on midwifery by Prof. Mikołaj Mianowski published in 1818 and 1825, the book of deliveries in the Obstetrical Clinic of the Vilnius University in1839-1842, and two inventories of the Clinic’s equipment were investigated. The changes of specialist vocabulary, modernization of learning methods, development of theory and practice of obstetrics, neonatal care, and moral and legal status of pregnant woman and unborn child were analyzed. Special attention was taken on the influence of French, Austrian and German obstetrical schools on obstetricians’ practice in Vilnius.
Prace analityczne
Anita Magowska, “Kształtowanie się położnictwa jako dziedziny medycyny naukowej w Wilnie w latach 1781-1842,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/65.
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