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,,Homeopata Polski” - czasopismo polskich zwolenników doktryny Samuela Fryderyka Hahnemanna · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

,,Homeopata Polski” - czasopismo polskich zwolenników doktryny Samuela Fryderyka Hahnemanna

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,,Homeopata Polski” - czasopismo polskich zwolenników doktryny Samuela Fryderyka Hahnemanna
“Homeopata Polski” - magazine polish apologist (follower) doctrine Samuela Frideric Hahnemanna.


Beata A. Kwiatkowska


,,Homeopata Polski” was a didactic – informational periodica issued in Lviv between 1861 and 1865, it was dedicated to popularise the treatment method invented by a German healer Samuel Frideric Hahnemann. One of its purposes was to help all the doctors unsig this method with self – education through publishing treatment observation. The content of those publications touched the issue of treating people as well as its veterinary use, that was granred a separate part called Popular Homeopathic Veterinary. Apart from publications concerning homeopathic treatment of people and animals translations of articles from overseas periodical and the so called „Novelties from the Word” were also published in the magazine. The „Homeopata Polski” magazine has also become a place for discussion between groups supporting homeopthy and the ones supporting academic medicime (so called allopaths).


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Beata A. Kwiatkowska, “,,Homeopata Polski” - czasopismo polskich zwolenników doktryny Samuela Fryderyka Hahnemanna ,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 9, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/81.


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