Gruźlica w literaturze Młodej Polski i w okresie międzywojennym. Cz. II
Dublin Core
Gruźlica w literaturze Młodej Polski i w okresie międzywojennym. Cz. II
Tuberculosis in Young Poland period and during the interwar in the theory and medical practice (part. II)
Jerzy Janiuk
The subject of the study is the picture of tuberculosis in turn of XIX and XX century (1890–1939). Tuberculosis has been with people for ages. Due to lack of effective therapy until 50s last century tuberculosis constituted not only a medical problem, but because of the prevalence of infection it was also social problem. It was considered as a fatal disease what made that people were afraid and scared. One of the most important moment in history was discovery R.Koch, who on 29th of March 1882 on an assembly Berlin Physiologists announced an identifi cation the bacillus, which was later called his name. This bacillus was responsible for TB symptoms. Unfortunatelly, it did not improve treatment results. Available effective methods did not play a prominent role, because they were possible only for privileged. Costs of treatment and rehabilitation sick people were very high. TB picture as a disease carrying death has changed over the past several decades. The disease became mainly medical problem, still very important but not crucial. It is not primary what it used to be: a widespread epidemic disease, “white plague” with an enormous social-economic consequences, a cultural phenomenon affecting the fate not only of individuals, but also the whole society.The aim of the study is presentation the medical knowledge about the tuberculosis in period 1890–1939: the symptoms, diagnosis and methods of treatment, preventive actions, and also social and health consequenses and former system of a health service.
Jerzy Janiuk, “Gruźlica w literaturze Młodej Polski i w okresie międzywojennym. Cz. II,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025,
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