„...na trzeźwo...” czy jednak ze znieczuleniem. Krótka próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy w początkach XIX w. chirurdzy wojskowi stosowali leki uśmierzające ból.
Dublin Core
„...na trzeźwo...” czy jednak ze znieczuleniem. Krótka próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy w początkach XIX w. chirurdzy wojskowi stosowali leki uśmierzające ból.
„... While sober ...” or however the anesthesia.A brief attempt to answer the question whether in the early nineteenth century, military surgeons have used pain-relieving drugs
Maria J. Turos
This text is an attempt to answer, based on written documents and preserved objects from the era, the question posed in the title, “... while sober or with anesthesia ...”. This is the subject often appearing in popular literature on the Napoleonic era but is sometimes presented in a way to skip the source texts preserved, and showing the reader a picture of passing to the facts of medical science from the beginning of nineteenth century. The preserved documents, especially pharmacopoeias formed at this time (three most important and widely known in Europe have been cited in the text – particularly noteworthy is “Formulaire pharmaceutique a l’usage des hopitaux militaires de la Republique Francaise Paris 1792” a copy of which is preserved in the library in Narbonne), and even more material evidence as described in the article for example the fi eld fi rst aid kit derived from 1810 allow to propose that the well-known analgesics, and physical pain, what particularly draws attention to two works quoted R J Czerwiakowski and works L. Perzyna were considered to be factor in worsening the prognosis. At the same time it is – based on evidence already mentioned – an attempt to supplement the knowledge and information, which clearly lack popular-historical texts.
Prace analityczne
Maria J. Turos, “„...na trzeźwo...” czy jednak ze znieczuleniem. Krótka próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy w początkach XIX w. chirurdzy wojskowi stosowali leki uśmierzające ból.,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/5.
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