Stan epidemiologiczny oraz higiena w miastach Prus Królewskich w XVI-XVIII w. Stań badań i postulaty badawcze
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Stan epidemiologiczny oraz higiena w miastach Prus Królewskich w XVI-XVIII w. Stań badań i postulaty badawcze
Epidemiological conditions and hygiene in the cities of Royal Prussia in XVI-XVIII c. The study after 1945 and research postulates
Adam Szarszewski
Piotr Paluchowski
In the article, the authors show key trends in research concerning supervision over the hygiene conditions and epidemiological status from XVI to XVIII century, which are extraordinarily important and extensive research subjects. It is true, that the epidemiology and hygiene issues are present in hitherto literature of the subject, however a closer look at the studies shows that many elements have been presented too superficially, or even omitted. The research gaps are connected with individual cities, which did not live to see their own epidemiological descriptions, and also with not broad enough handling of the subject-matter, which manifests itself in usually frugal content-wise research questionnaires. The most well-researched centre of Royal Prussia in terms of hygiene and emidemiology is undoubtedly Gdańsk. Despite that, even in the case of Gdańsk, the state of the research should be regarded as unsatisfactory. The writings on two other big cities of Royal Prussia: Elbląg and Toruń, are much less extensive. Only compiling individual elements will allow for a comprehensive estimation of a real level of hygiene and epidemiological status in the cities of Royal Prussia, as well as the path of their modification by the modern society. It will allow us to verify the common, often not supported by any research, current opinions on this subject.
Adam Szarszewski and Piotr Paluchowski, “Stan epidemiologiczny oraz higiena w miastach Prus Królewskich w XVI-XVIII w. Stań badań i postulaty badawcze,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025,
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