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Zestawianie wojskowych pociągów sanitarnych w latach Wielkiej Wojny na terytorium Cesarstwa Niemieckiego · Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną

Zestawianie wojskowych pociągów sanitarnych w latach Wielkiej Wojny na terytorium Cesarstwa Niemieckiego

Dublin Core


Zestawianie wojskowych pociągów sanitarnych w latach Wielkiej Wojny na terytorium Cesarstwa Niemieckiego
The compilation of military train for sanitary purposes in World War I in the territory of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires


Joanna Lusek


Military trains for sanitary purposes (Sanitätszüge, Lazarettzüge, Spitalzüge) served during World War I to the mass transport of the wounded and sick soldiers. They were supported by the railroads. Remained in use only in time of war. Preparation of sanitary trains, for example: the type of used cars and their real destiny lay down the rules state. On the territory of the German Empire – Order Sanitary (Kriegssanitätsordnung), at the Austro-Hungarian Empire area – Provisions regarding normal and sanitary trains railways in the regulation of the Imperial and Royal Army (Bestimmungen für das Normale der Eisenbahnsanitätszüge in der Vorschrift für Sanitätszüge der kaiserlichen und königlichen Armee).
The publication which describing of the Bavarian train facility, was published in 1915 in Munich, document preparation and technical evidence sanitary train military, used during World War I to transport the wounded and sick soldiers. It is a case study on the example of selected military train for sanitary purposes. The detailed analysis focuses on wagons sanitary facilities intended for common soldiers and officers, coaches adapted to provide medical assistance, maintenance train carriages and wagons for medical staff and auxiliary.


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Joanna Lusek , “Zestawianie wojskowych pociągów sanitarnych w latach Wielkiej Wojny na terytorium Cesarstwa Niemieckiego,” Medycyna Nowożytna. Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną, accessed March 6, 2025, https://medycynanowozytna.locloud.pl/items/show/49.


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